Antoine Boyrie

Lawyer at the Grenoble Bar

Antoine is a lawyer and a professional mountain guide. He advises his clients in public law, environmental law and land-use planning. He also naturally has a deep understanding of all mountain law related matters and intervenes in criminal law, personal injury law and civil law cases.

Antoine graduated from the Paris Bar School (2013). He holds a research master’s degree in public law from the University of Paris V Descartes and a master’s degree in environmental law from the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne. He studied law at the University of Concepción (UDEC) in Chile. He worked with Verdier le Pratt (Paris), Fidal (Lyon), and CPMF-Affaires Publiques (Grenoble) before settling his own practice in Grenoble.

Antoine works in French, English and Spanish.

Contact Antoine

Mob. (+33) 6 28 05 27 74

5, cours Jean Jaurès
38000 Grenoble